Lauren Chouinard Small Group Tours from San Francisco in Biofuel Vans - One or Multi-Day. Yosemite Tours, Napa Valley, Sonoma Wine, Muir Woods. Thu, 02 May 2019 03:55:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lauren Chouinard 32 32 Incredible Adventures New Years Resolutions Tue, 16 Jan 2018 19:15:08 +0000 With 2018 in full swing, everyone is making their resolutions (or maybe still trying to keep them up? #webelieveinyou). We love this time of year because it gives us a chance to reflect back not only on what we’ve accomplished, but what we’ve been able to help our guests accomplish in the new year. In...
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With 2018 in full swing, everyone is making their resolutions (or maybe still trying to keep them up? #webelieveinyou). We love this time of year because it gives us a chance to reflect back not only on what we’ve accomplished, but what we’ve been able to help our guests accomplish in the new year.

In 2017 we brought thousands of guests to our National Parks, and it never gets old seeing people’s faces when they experience places like Yosemite for the first time. We sipped countless glasses of the best wine and beer in California. We nerded out at Apple, Google, Facebook and the Computer History Museum on our brand new Silicon Valley Tour. We spared the air with our biodiesel transportation. We gave back to communities in need such as Sonoma and Napa Valley. Most of all, we made millions of memories happen for every guest, which is something we are so proud of.

This year we’re focusing a lot on impact, and what it means for us as a company, and as individuals. We believe in leaving the world a better place today than it was yesterday, and as such, here are our biggest resolutions and goals for 2018:

It IS easy being green!

Incredible Adventures runs on renewable biofuels. In order to minimize the environmental impact of our business on the destinations we visit, we operate our vehicles on sustainable, petroleum-free biofuel made from recycled cooking oil and renewable plant-based stocks. However, we’re determined to go even further. From the paper we use in our offices, to the cleaning products we use on our vans, we are always striving to be kinder to the Earth.

This year we will be launching some tips for our partners and customers on how to stay green, that way we can all work together to make the world a better place.

Give back!

Last year we spent several days volunteering to clean up Muir Woods to keep the natural beauty of the park preserved. We want to double up our efforts this year, and open up opportunities to join in the fun for our customers and partners. We have some exciting upcoming opportunities, such as a cleanup of the Marin Headlands in February.

Another way to give back (and score some awesome swag) is by purchasing from our Gear Shop. A portion of the proceeds from these sales will be donated to the Parks Conservancy to beautify and protect our public lands.

Grow our community

Your adventure doesn’t just stop when your tour ends! We are building out a great community of like-minded travelers, so that no matter where you are in the world, Incredible Adventures can connect you. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to constantly get travel inspo and #findyourselfanywhere.

We’re also in the midst of developing an online group in the coming weeks that will provide you with cool travel tips, special deals on Incredible Adventures trips, and a place to connect with new friends. Stay tuned for an email update when our community goes live!

Become global citizens

Incredible Adventures meets people from all over the world every single day, so that’s why we’re starting to expand beyond the USA. We’re now offering tours through the Pacific Northwest and Canada, and we can’t wait to see how much farther we can go!

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What’s the best travel gift you’ve ever received? Thu, 21 Dec 2017 04:10:35 +0000 Holidays are a time of reflecting and of gift giving – but not all gifts are wrapped in packages with bows. At Incredible Adventures, we believe that every moment, big and small, is a gift. Yeah yeah we know that sounds sappy… but it’s true! We asked our staff about the greatest travel gift they’ve...
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Holidays are a time of reflecting and of gift giving – but not all gifts are wrapped in packages with bows. At Incredible Adventures, we believe that every moment, big and small, is a gift. Yeah yeah we know that sounds sappy… but it’s true!

We asked our staff about the greatest travel gift they’ve ever received, from life changing trips to nifty gadgets they use every day. Though we all have diverse memories and experiences, we’re all bonded together by reminiscing on the things that made us fall in love with travel, and what drives us to share that love with others.

We hope you enjoy these stories, and feel free to share memories of your own with us (or come on one of our tours and make new memories and traditions with old friends and new!)

Happy Holidays from The Incredible Adventures staff!

The greatest gifts are the ones you give.

“The greatest travel gift I’ve ever received was also a gift I got to give to someone else. Last year I was planning an amazing solo trek to Iceland for the first time. Shortly before I was scheduled to leave, I fell in love with this amazing man, and learned that he had never been outside of California! Every time I mentioned my upcoming trip and all the waterfalls I’d be seeing and the hot springs I was excited to dive into, I saw his eyes light up. So on Christmas I told him to check his email – I had purchased him a ticket to come out to Iceland with me. While I probably would have had a great time on my own, I was so excited to have an amazing travel companion and be a part of this special milestone in his life. It was better than I could have ever imagined, and we still talk about this trip and the memories we shared almost daily!”

– Lauren, Digital Marketing Manager

Two gifts that got me moving… literally!

“My sisters have always been supportive of my desire for travelling, even when it was just beginning. I remember one Christmas in the early 90’s when one of my sisters got me a rugged travel bag and the other gave me a sweet, old school Pentax K1000 film camera. I felt like both of those items actually made it somewhat mandatory that I plan some kind of big trip…So I did. I put the bag on the back of my motorcycle packed it full of gear, Pentax included, and rode on out of Kentucky, more than 2000 miles, all the way out to San Diego, CA! “

– JD, General Manager

A thoughtful reminder of home that traveled across the world.

“In 2008, I made the decision to move to South Korea to teach English. I was really nervous about leaving my family, friends, and awesome job as a tutor at a community college behind. I truly loved working there; the students and staff were an amazing group of people. On my last day of work, one of my co-workers handed me a leather bound journal, wrapped in a single gold bow. Inside, each of my co-workers filled a page or two with memories, drawings, words of encouragement and – most importantly for an English major – poems. I’ve never received anything so personal and a gift that so perfectly reflected that point in my life. I still have the journal and I occasionally read through the pages when I’m feeling a bit nostalgic or in need a bit of direction.”

– Damian, Operations Manager

The gift of beautiful Christmas traditions.

“We always go up north to go foraging on New Year’s Day – it’s a tradition with some of our close friends to have a great dinner, a quiet night on NYE, and then get up at 4am to head to the mountains. Because of the holiday, the (well-known and usually bustling) wilderness area is mostly deserted. Usually by the end of December, California has had enough rain for the winter mushrooms to come up, and we scramble up trails and into ravines with our eyes peeled for exciting finds: delicate yellowfoot chanterelles, stunning black trumpets, quirky “hedgehogs”, and the famed delicacy matsutake. What better way to spend the first day of the year than exploring nature and feeling grateful for the earth’s natural bounty? A few years back, my boyfriend got me a fancy French Opinel foraging knife for Christmas; every time I look at it, it reminds me of the quiet moments in the mountains.”

– Jessa, Sales and Marketing Director

Perfect camp gear built to last!

“Many years ago my mom got me these little solar powered camp lights. They were designed very well and have held up through rain, snow, and of course, beating sun. About 5 years later they are still going strong. Another cool thing about the lights is that they are designed for developing countries, and the company that makes them is a social enterprise with the goal of bringing affordable solar power to 100 million people by 2020.”

– Dan, Financial Controller

Small tokens that led to big adventures.

“A book exchange from college led me to one of my greatest and most challenging adventures to date: A bike ride following the historic Lewis and Clark Trail. The pact written onto the inside of the cover stayed in my bookshelf for 6 years until it was packed into one of my shiny new rear bike panniers. With a wave to my parents on a cool September morning, Tracy and I embarked on a 7 week journey. Being avid backpackers, this was a completely new type of travel for the both of us, seeing so much of our country and meeting amazing people along the way.”

– Anne, Business Development Manager

A European extravaganza to usher in the year 2000!

“I’ll never forget during 5th grade, my father took me and my older sister to Germany for Christmas and the Millennium. It was my first big slice of travel, not to mention my first overseas trip. Because he served in the army, it was cheaper for us to catch a military flight out of Delaware than drive out west to the Rockies. We snow skied our butts off, ate way too many giant bowls of fries, drank gluhwein (age was just a #), and they let me dance at the adult NYE party like it was 1999…because it was. This and many other family trips only stoked that wanderlust fire.”

– Nicole, Tour Guide

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Best of the Sierras: Yosemite, Mammoth Lakes & Lake Tahoe Wed, 23 Aug 2017 22:50:38 +0000 “Of all the mountain ranges I have climbed, I like the Sierra Nevada the best.” – John Muir If the mountain man himself, John Muir, could come to such a bold conclusion about the Sierras, you KNOW it must be true! The Sierra Nevada Mountain range is a naturalist’s definition of perfection. Year after year, our...
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“Of all the mountain ranges I have climbed, I like the Sierra Nevada the best.” – John Muir

If the mountain man himself, John Muir, could come to such a bold conclusion about the Sierras, you KNOW it must be true! The Sierra Nevada Mountain range is a naturalist’s definition of perfection.

Year after year, our 3-day Camping trip to Yosemite National Park has been our best seller. Yosemite’s High Country leaves passengers captivated: with more time to explore, we take groups beyond Yosemite’s crowded valley and into the less-traveled areas of the park. Our guides can skip the tourist traps on longer road trips and show off why we Californians love our state!

Interest has increased for new and unique experiences, so we started designing an itinerary that incorporated more of the Sierra Nevada mountain range’s diversity. in 2016, Incredible Adventures launched a 4-day road trip highlighting the best of the Sierras. On this trip, we spend one day and night each in Yosemite National Park, Mammoth Lakes, and South Lake Tahoe with fun, unique add-ons in between. With both hotel and camping accommodation options, travelers of all different spending budgets and comfort levels can join the fun!

Interested in spending four days in on the road with us? Here’s how Northern California’s ultimate mountain road trip plays out:

Denise’s Farmers Market

Before even hitting your first National Park, you’ll be introduced to California’s flourishing Agricultural region: cherries, strawberries, almonds, OH MY! California’s Central Valley provides more than half of the USA’s fruits, vegetables, and nuts: it’s the state’s single most productive agricultural region, and one of the most productive in the world!  Denise’s Farmers Market is one of our favorite spots on the way out. Sample and purchase fresh and dried produce – and every flavor of corn nuts! Our passengers love to stock up on snacks here and avoid the concession queues in the park. This rest stop that doubles up as a midway point to Yosemite for bathroom breaks and yummy treats, and will leave you happy, healthy, and with more time to explore when you get to the park!

Yosemite National Park

Your first stop along the Sierras will be America’s Favorite National Park. Everyone from John Muir to Teddy Roosevelt to Barack Obama and millions of visitors in between cannot help but be astonished by Yosemite’s beauty. Your guide will show off the Valley, High Country, and groves of Giant Sequoias. Then you’ll spend the night at the Yosemite Bug – a quaint Mountain Resort known for their comfortable rooms and hearty buffet!

Mammoth Lakes

Next, you’ll head North through the Sierras on your way to Mammoth Lakes. Located at almost 8,000 ft elevation, this town is known as a top ski destination in California. In the summer, mountain biking and hiking are popular in the area. The gondola ride up to Mammoth Mountain and a visit to Mammoth Brewing company are not to be missed!

Devil’s Postpile National Monument in Ansel Adams Wilderness

Talk about geographic phenomenon! The Devil’s Postpile is a dark cliff of columnar basalt formed from lava flow an estimated 10,000 years ago. This unique rock formation is located in between Mammoth Lakes and Lake Tahoe along the John Muir Trail.

Bodie Ghost Town

After discovering gold in nearby Mono Lake back in 1859, W. S. Bodie triggered a massive settlement to the Sierras just North of his find. However, all these new neighbors only had one thing in mind: once they mined through all of the gold, the party ended pretty abruptly. Then, around 1912, the population began declining. By 1915, newspapers were already officially labeling Bodie a proper “Ghost Town”.

Everyone seemingly just up and left. Cars, churches, saloons, have all been preserved and protected as National/State Historic Landmarks. It’s a really neat glimpse of a town stopped in time, and a great stop on your way to glorious South Lake Tahoe.

South Lake Tahoe

Lastly, we head to South Lake Tahoe. Located right on top of the state line between California and Nevada, South Lake is El Dorado County’s most populous city.  Tahoe is known for its snow activities in the winter, lake activities in the summer, and 24-casinos where you can win big year-round!

From the luxurious sunset walks along the lake to rugged hikes to flowing waterfalls with expansive views of the Emerald Bay, ending this 4-day road trip through the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range in South Lake Tahoe is the perfect final act. In the morning, you’ll pack up and return to beautiful San Francisco, seeing the gorgeous views of the city from Treasure Island and the Bay Bridge.

Best of the Sierras Reviews – See what passengers have said about the tour:

“Tops on the “living it up” list should be the Yosemite and Tahoe Sierras Tour offered by Incredible Adventures, the only tour company that offers a round trip to Yosemite National Park, the mountain resort town of Mammoth Lakes and spectacular Lake Tahoe.” -Steve, 2016


“This was truly an incredible adventure. Leo took us to the most breathtaking spots! Our phrase after each first view was ‘Oh My Goodness – WOW’. I loved this trip as it was all about Nature. And Leo made it easy and fun to enjoy every day of it.” – sfran2017, 2017


“We saw the drop-dead gorgeous Yosemite and Lake Tahoe views, and also enjoyed great food stops along the way. The Bug is a charming stay! Highly recommend this tour!” -tripper4040, 2017


“We’ve just returned from the most awesome tour of Yosemite and Lake Tahoe with Leo from Incredible Adventures. The key to a great tour is a great guide! The itinerary was awesome but Leo bought it all to life with an incredible range of knowledge and experience. His familiarity with the best routes and photo opportunities put us at ease very early on.” -Dan, 2017

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FAQ: Fueled by Biofuels? Really?!? Thu, 22 Jun 2017 20:36:23 +0000 Incredible Adventures proudly proclaim ourselves as San Francisco’s Greenest Tour Provider. Our office operates as a San Francisco Green Business. On the road, our vehicles predominantly run on biofuel – a renewable alternative to petroleum. Recently, a fellow environmentalist called us out on Facebook with a picture comment on our page of our guide filling up at a...
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Incredible Adventures proudly proclaim ourselves as San Francisco’s Greenest Tour Provider. Our office operates as a San Francisco Green Business. On the road, our vehicles predominantly run on biofuel – a renewable alternative to petroleum. Recently, a fellow environmentalist called us out on Facebook with a picture comment on our page of our guide filling up at a petroleum pump…

…and we are compelled to THANK her! We admire her commitment to transparency and honesty in the green community. We believe it is vital that we hold ourselves and each other accountable!


After a passenger posted this on our Facebook, we had to address some bigger questions surrounding biofuel.

The response to this simple question (“Fueled by Biofuels? Really?!?”) is complex. As the discussion unfolded, it transformed into a teachable moment that we thought opened itself up to a larger audience, and we wanted to talk about it here.

This conversation is bigger than one driver filling up one vehicle for one tour bus company. It’s about the lack of available fueling stations for alternative fuels both in California and across the US. It’s wrapped up in all sorts of red tape at both the state and federal levels. The answer provides an opportunity to educate our communities and the next generation about renewable energies. And ultimately, our answer to ALL of our followers will be best demonstrated through our actions at the micro-level while we continue to do our best to spread the word at the macro-level.

Seeking Biofuel Station

Incredible Adventures strives to run 100% of our fleet with fully petroleum-free alternative biofuels. However, due to the lack of supply in certain areas that we visit, we’re occasionally forced to supplement. In the photo captured, our guide, Aaron, is fueling up at the Tesoro in Oakdale. There are no alternative fuel stations in/near Yosemite National Park. Many stations around California have closed or dropped their alternative fuel selections due to heavy regulations and lack of demand. Although we’re constantly researching fuel stations offering alternative fuel blends in their tanks, this proves difficult in remote areas.

Even though many of our vehicles are capable of traveling our standard routes without the need to fill up with traditional fuel, it is not always possible. It is increasingly difficult on our multi-day tours to maintain non-petroleum fuel in our vehicles throughout the entire trip. This particular photo was taken during Aaron’s overnight tour through Yosemite. Travelling from San Francisco to Yosemite National Park and back (round-trip) is impossible on a single tank of biofuel. With our mini-coaches’ smaller tanks, we maximize our usage of biofuel and supplement with diesel given the availability in the surrounding area. We train our drivers to fuel up with the least amount of petroleum fuel as possible. If you see our vehicles fueling at traditional gas stations, they are often only putting in the number of gallons it requires for us to safely return to Dogpatch Biofuels back in the city.

Supplying Biofuels

Incredible Adventures has been running on non-petroleum-based fuels since 2003. In order to secure a more consistent flow of biofuels, our owners bought Dogpatch Biofuel in 2010. It’s the only alternative fueling station in San Francisco open to the public, benefitting not only our fleet, but also the community at large. We’re proud to say that all of our vehicles leave the city for their trips with 100% renewable fuel. Since 2008 the station has sold 666,133.7 gallons of none petroleum fuel, offsetting the equivalent of 15,860.32 barrels of oil. Our dedication to reducing tailpipe emissions in our fleet and community exceeds the efforts of any other privately held transportation company.

Fighting for Biofuels

Alternative fuels are fighting for survival against strong Big Oil lobbyists and motor companies. These interests are increasing restrictions to commercial alternative fuel in California, and reducing spend on alternative fuel research. You can often find our owners on the front lines of this Big Oil battle: our company engages in the promotion and education of alternative fuels and their benefits, and the owners and staff have spent countless hours lobbying both at the local and state levels. Once we even volunteered at a Willie Nelson concert with ReVerb to advocate for renewable alternatives. Willie’s a strong supporter of biofuels!

Most recently our owner, Brian Deninger, spoke on a panel at the Green Transportation Summit and Expo in Portland. The conference encouraged municipal and private fleets to embrace the adoption of non-petroleum fuels as a tool to slow global warming and reduce carbon emissions. These efforts do not only have a local impact, but also lasting impact globally.

It’s important to gather legislative support for wider distribution of Biofuel and alternative energies. Increasing access to fueling stations will allow our fleet to run higher volumes of alternative fuel on our tours, and will allow us to provide retail fuel customers with more sustainable options as well.

Worth the Costs

We know that doing the right thing for our environment’s future can make for tough financial decisions. We encourage business owners to make those decisions anyway! Incredible Adventures is committed to finding sustainable solutions at the state, national, and global stages, and we encourage citizens in tourism and other sectors to consider petroleum alternatives as often as they can.

As we venture to priceless destinations like Yosemite National Park, Muir Woods National Monument, and beyond, we’ve got to work together sustainably! We know that travel positively impacts our souls, but ironically (and inevitably), it causes negative impacts on our environment. We’re constantly reviewing how we can do better, and hope that consumers everywhere will do the same.

So thank you to our allies online, on the road, and across the globe that are monitoring the playing field. We need more watchdogs out there to keep us all in check. Our goal to run completely petroleum-free is ongoing – but it’s not beyond reach. Stay tuned and join us as we continue to campaign for sustainability!

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How to Get Last Minute Alcatraz Tickets This Summer! Wed, 14 Jun 2017 18:31:24 +0000 Alcatraz Island is the #1 attraction in San Francisco. Funny, isn’t it, that when the prison was in use, people would do anything to escape it? Today, it is one of the National Park Service’s most popular sites with over 1.4 million tourists visiting the island each year! In the summertime, it can be pretty...
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Alcatraz Island is the #1 attraction in San Francisco. Funny, isn’t it, that when the prison was in use, people would do anything to escape it? Today, it is one of the National Park Service’s most popular sites with over 1.4 million tourists visiting the island each year! In the summertime, it can be pretty hard to get tickets, but we’ve got you covered!  If you’d like a Day or Night Tour to Alcatraz to be a part of your San Francisco vacation this summer, then let’s discuss the best practices to attain those highly coveted Alcatraz Tickets:


Book your Alcatraz Tickets Months or Weeks in Advance

If you’d like to book directly through the Alcatraz Cruises website, you’ll need to do so well in advance. High season for Alcatraz tickets is from June-August. Tickets can be sold out for weeks or even months prior to departure! In fact, June just started and tickets for the Alcatraz night tour are not available until mid/late-August. And let us tell you, that sunset from Alcatraz is spectacular, and does a phenomenal job of really setting the mood. Lucky for you, we have an allocation of Night Tour tickets, so please do read on 🙂


Find Alcatraz Tickets for Sold Out Days, or Only Several Days in Advance

Incredible Adventures is given an allotment of Alcatraz tickets from the National Park Service each month! We receive both day and night options to accommodate different requests and schedule needs. Two things that are very important to note though:

  1. We MUST package these Alcatraz tickets with one of our tours. We’re a one-stop shop if you were already planning on visiting Yosemite National Park, Muir Woods, Wine Country, Silicon Valley, etc. We even can package Alcatraz tickets with Hop-On-Hop-Off options  or a quick Muir Woods and Sausalito tour if you’re without the flexibility to leave the city for more than a day. Tickets are no more expensive than buying directly through Alcatraz’s website. We’re just here to facilitate a chance to see make it over there!
  2. Tickets must be arranged through Incredible Adventures at least four days in advance! We have to turn in our “manifest” to the parks service 4 days before departure. Ordering your Alcatraz tickets through Incredible Adventures works best at LEAST a week out, if not earlier.


Already in town and Alcatraz tickets appear to be sold out?

Wait… You want to go tomorrow?! Well, you still have options. They aren’t great, but you do have options!

Rise and Shine! If you are interested in lining up at Pier 33 at 5am on the morning of your desired tour date there is a last-chance option for you. Alcatraz Cruises releases up to 50 tickets the morning of the tour, on a first-come/first-served basis and subject to availability. Everyone in your party must be present to receive a ticket, so gather the troops, get a big commuter mug of coffee, and make a morning out of it. You won’t know what time of day your tour will be until you get it, so make sure you account for that in your day’s plans. All part of the experience, right?

Resellers.  The only legit way to get tickets within 4 days of the ferry tour is through Alcatraz Cruises at pier 33. But, just like at a sports arena or a music venue, Fisherman’s Wharf often has ticket scalpers offering last-minute Alcatraz ferry tickets at a high price. You may be thinking, “hmm, that seems a bit sketchy…” – that’s because it can be!  Incredible Adventures doesn’t recommend this option. ALWAYS use your best judgment. Trust your sources. There are plenty of scammers out there taking advantage of unsuspecting tourists.

Moral of the story: Plan ahead. We can help. Join Incredible Adventures on a tour to maximize your time in the Bay Area. Explore More. Explore Often. See it all! And follow these tips for your best shot at Alcatraz Tickets.

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Camping Recipes for Your Next Camping Escape Thu, 01 Jun 2017 23:03:54 +0000 Your camping escape is about to get a lot more delicious! Just because you’re in the great outdoors doesn’t mean your meals can’t be incredible. Whether you’re cooking over a bonfire or on a gas grill, you’ll be the envy of your campsite on your next overnight stay under the stars. Try these comfort food...
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Your camping escape is about to get a lot more delicious! Just because you’re in the great outdoors doesn’t mean your meals can’t be incredible. Whether you’re cooking over a bonfire or on a gas grill, you’ll be the envy of your campsite on your next overnight stay under the stars. Try these comfort food camping recipes to feel like the fanciest folks around the campfire. you’ll be the envy of the whole campsite!


Breakfast Camping Recipes (serves ~6 people)

Breakfast Burritos

(can be adjusted for any quantity of campers)

  • Olive Oil
  • Frozen Hashbrowns
  • Your choice of meat (chorizo, breakfast sausage, ham, bacon, etc)
  • 2 Eggs/person
  • Taco Seasoning
  • Salsa
  • Sour Cream (or Yogurt as a substitute)
  • Cheese
  • Tortillas (flour or corn)

Heat a few tablespoons of olive oil in large skillet. Add hashbrowns and cook for 1 minute, stirring continuously.

Add in your meat of choice and continue to cook, stirring occasionally until both have browned (about 8-10 minutes). Note: if the meat is very greasy, you can cook it separately and drain it before adding it to the cooked hashbrowns.

Whisk eggs in separate bowl. Add taco seasoning. Pour eggs into skillet with hashbrowns and meat. Stir frequently until eggs are set.
Warm tortillas, and place desired amount of egg mixture onto each tortilla. Add Salsa, Sour Cream, Cheese as desired. Roll up and enjoy!

Lunch Camping Recipes

Chicken Gyro Wraps (serves ~6 people)

  • Greek Yogurt
  • Feta Cheese
  • Cucumbers
  • Garlic
  • Lettuce
  • Grape/Cherry tomatoes
  • 2 Lemons
  • Red Onion
  • Parsley
  • Pitas
  • 2 lb boneless chicken breast or thigh (or 1 pre-cooked rotisserie chicken)
  • Olive oil
  • Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Dill

Tzatziki Sauce/Dressing

Dice or grate cucumbers (pour off any excess liquid). Add to yogurt. Add garlic, dill, and lemon juice.

Salad Toppings
Dice/quarter the tomatoes, dice the red onion, & chop parsley. Mix with the tzatziki dressing, and season with salt and pepper

Chicken (if raw)
Heat up a wok with a few tablespoons of olive oil. Sear the chicken for 7 minutes – add water, bring to a boil, flip chicken until cooked ~15 mins. Once cooked let cool enough to shred the chicken. Add the shredded chicken back to wok with more olive oil, oregano, rosemary, and salt and pepper to taste. Serve with pita bread.

Dinner Camping Recipes

Pesto Chicken Pasta (serves ~6 people)

  • Box of pasta
  • 1lb Boneless chicken breast or thigh (can be skipped, for a vegetarian camping recipe option)
  • 1 jar/2c Pesto
  • 1 jar/1c Sundried tomatoes (cut the sun-dried tomatoes in half or in strips if they’re big, drain the oil off & reserve)
  • ½c pine nuts
  • Parmesan cheese

Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces. Cook the chicken in a few tablespoons of the reserved oil from the sundried tomatoes. Toast the pine nuts in a small pan on low while chicken is cooking; make sure to watch them, though – they can burn quickly! Cook pasta according to packaging. Combine additional ingredients and serve with salad.


Vegan Camping Recipes

Vegan Coconut Sweet Potato Soup (serves ~6 people)

  • 2-3 cans Veggie Broth (~6-8 cups) OR ¼ jar of veggie bullion + water
  • 1-2 cups of uncooked rice
  • 3-4 cloves of Garlic (minced)
  • 1/2 yellow onion, diced
  • 1/2 Serrano Chili (if you like spice)
  • 2 cans of Coconut milk
  • 2-3 Sweet potatoes, diced
  • 1 Small Bag/Bunch of Kale, washed and cut into small pieces.
  • Turmeric powder
  • Ginger powder
  • Sriracha
  • Fresh cilantro (optional)
  • Lime wedges (optional)

Prepare rice as directed on package, set aside.

Bring the veggie broth to a boil, and add in coconut milk. Bring this back to a simmer. Add in onion, sweet potato, chili, garlic and spice to taste. Cook for 15 mins until sweet potatoes are soft. Add kale and let cook for 5 more minutes to let soften.

Serve over rice, add sriracha if desired. Garnish with cilantro/lime.

Couscous Salad

  • Box of Israeli couscous (big grains) about 2 servings per box – double check servings per box
  • 3 Tbs olive oil (plus more for “dressing”)
  • 3-4 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 yellow onion
  • 1/2 lb Green Beans
  • 1/2 Red, yellow, or green bell pepper
  • 1/2 bunch radishes (4-5)
  • 1/2 can corn off the cob
  • Cilantro or basil

Cook couscous according to box. Saute garlic and onions in olive oil. Add diced veggies and cook to al dente. Mix al dente veggies and couscous together. Add corn, radish and cilantro/basil raw, add more olive oil if needed for moisture.

Dessert Camping Recipes

Banana Boats (1 per camper)

  • Aluminum foil
  • Bananas
  • Chocolate/Nutella/Peanut Butter
  • Cinnamon
  • Marshmallows, Chopped nuts, etc.

Slice a slit in the inside curve of a banana lengthwise while the peel is still on, making a “boat”. Place this in a large square of aluminum foil (this will need to wrap all around the banana, so maybe 20″ square. Stuff your banana with chocolate, Nutella and/or peanut butter or sprinkle with cinnamon. Add anything else you want! Wrap the foil tightly and toss your parcel directly into the fire/coals for a few minutes. Carefully remove, check to see that contents inside are melted to your preference, and enjoy!

Smores (duh)

  • Graham Crackers
  • Marshmallows
  • Chocolate Bar of choice (Hersheys and Reeses are our favorites!)

Put a stick through your marshmallow, long enough that the marshmallow can be roasted without endangering your arm. Be careful to use a stick that isn’t chemically treated (lumber) or secretly poison oak. Trust us.

Prepare graham cracker by first breaking it into two pieces. Cover one of those halves with chocolate. Make sure it’s nearby and ready to receive your melted marshmallow BEFORE you start roasting.

Roast your marshmallow over the fire till golden all around (it’s an art, and a personal preference). Then, squish the toasted marshmallow on top of chocolate graham cracker with its plain counterpart. Allow your masterpiece to rest a few minutes so heated marshmallow can melt the chocolate a bit, then devour. Repeat as desired.




These camping recipes may require a stove, propane tank, pots, pans, dishes and other kitchen tools, though some can be accomplished with nothing more than a roll of aluminum foil! No worries, though – all of these tools are included on our 3-day Camping Escape Tour in Yosemite National Park!

…And when all else fails, there’s always PB&J.

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Camping Video: Find Yourself in Yosemite National Park Mon, 29 May 2017 23:31:12 +0000 School’s out, the snow is (mostly) gone, and we’re stoked for Camping season in California once again! Check out this sweet camping video that highlights the best of our 3-day Tour in Yosemite National Park. Camping Video There are parts of the park that many people never see because of time and transportation limitations. It’s...
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School’s out, the snow is (mostly) gone, and we’re stoked for Camping season in California once again! Check out this sweet camping video that highlights the best of our 3-day Tour in Yosemite National Park.

Camping Video

There are parts of the park that many people never see because of time and transportation limitations. It’s said that more than 80% of visitors only see about 7% of Yosemite National Park, which is 1,169 square miles of wilderness. On this adventure, you’ll go beyond Yosemite’s Valley floor. This is your chance to explore more! Our small-group tours have unique access to Yosemite’s High Country and the Giant Sequoias. We’ve also opened up more tours this year with five departures a week from May to October.

We provide the camping equipment, and offer sleeping bags for a small rental fee. We’ll also include five fresh meals for your crew. Experience what it’s like to Camp like a Californian as we roast s’mores around the campfire, hike to astounding vistas, and sleep under the stars.Camp like a Californian around the Campfire

One could easily spend months, or maybe even YEARS, in Yosemite and find a new hike or vantage point almost every day. As you can see in this camping video, there is so much to see and do! If you don’t have time in your vacation to San Francisco for a 3-day camping trip, we also offer one and two-day trips to the park that will still leave you in awe.

However much time you spend out there, be sure to FIND YOURSELF in Yosemite National Park this Summer!

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Valentine’s Day Trading Cards: National Parks Edition Tue, 14 Feb 2017 01:09:17 +0000 Who needs chocolates or flowers this Valentine’s Day? Who needs a sappy boyfriend or girlfriend? Who needs expensive dinner reservations or an elaborate proposal*?   Those things are great, but this year, all we need are our National Parks!   While there are so many things to love on this special day, there are few...
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Who needs chocolates or flowers this Valentine’s Day? Who needs a sappy boyfriend or girlfriend? Who needs expensive dinner reservations or an elaborate proposal*?


Those things are great, but this year, all we need are our National Parks!


While there are so many things to love on this special day, there are few things in this world that we adore more than our National Parks. As Edwin C. Bearss, NPS Chief Historian, 1981-1994, said, “Our national park system belongs to all of us, both legally and spiritually.”


Whenever you’re down, our National Parks are there for you. If you need peace and quiet away from your routinely busy lifestyle, our National Parks are there for you. If you are itching for an escape outdoors, a taste of fresh air or a night under the stars, our National Parks are there for you. If you want to learn something new, our National Parks (and thousands of volunteer docents, scientists, and rangers) are there for you!


We feel immensely connected to these protected plots of land. And we wanted to share our love with the whole world (wide web). We shout it from soaring maintained mountain tops and scream it to beautifully sheltered seas. So for Valentine’s Day, we’re sharing Trading Cards for our land conserving followers to share with loved ones all over the Earth!

Arches National Park Valentine Badlands National Park valentine Death Valley National Park Valentine Everglades National Park valentine Glacier Bay National Park valentine Grand Canyon National Park valentine Kings Canyon National Park valentine Wrangell National Park valentine Yellowstone National Park valentine Zion National Park valentine


*that said, if you ARE going to propose, what better way to do so than in one of these amazing locations? The national parks are an inspiring and beautiful backdrop for you to pop the big question, or even celebrate the big day! 

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Best Tour to Yosemite from SF by Thu, 22 Dec 2016 22:44:02 +0000 Incredible Adventure’s 3-day Camping Escape in Yosemite National Park was recently featured on’s website as one of best tours to Yosemite from San Francisco. While we also provide one and two-day options year round, one of our favorite trips to run from May-October is this 3-day experience! They say 80% visitors to Yosemite National...
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Incredible Adventure’s 3-day Camping Escape in Yosemite National Park was recently featured on’s website as one of best tours to Yosemite from San Francisco. While we also provide one and two-day options year round, one of our favorite trips to run from May-October is this 3-day experience!

They say 80% visitors to Yosemite National Park only end up seeing about 7% of it – the Valley.

The park is enormous and hard to sum up in a couple of hours. Heck, it’s hard to see a good portion of it in a couple of days. But for first timers to the park, and especially for first-time campers, this is the best kickstart to understanding the area.

On top of spending time in the Valley, this tour includes a visit to the Giant Sequoias and a day spent in High Country! We supply all of the camping equipment, and offer sleeping bags for a small rental fee, so even adventurers traveling light can join us. Five fresh meals are also provided and we’ll spend time camping like Californians around the campfire.

Have no fear, there is also running water at our campsite. So, while we may not be completely ‘roughing it, you can guarantee you’ll have everything you need on this Incredible Adventure.

Thanks for the mention!

time you’re traveling, be sure to give their site a peek. They have travel tips for destinations all across the globe.

The Best Yosemite Tours from San Francisco

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11 Winter Activities in Yosemite National Park Mon, 12 Dec 2016 23:06:48 +0000 Winter in Yosemite can be a chilly, peaceful escape from San Francisco. Sometimes the waterfalls and lakes freeze up, the trees glisten covered in fresh, white snow and a gorgeous, tundra-like wonderland is revealed. Without the rush of the Summer crowd, you’ll find yourself experiencing the beauty and solitude of a special side of the...
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Winter in Yosemite can be a chilly, peaceful escape from San Francisco. Sometimes the waterfalls and lakes freeze up, the trees glisten covered in fresh, white snow and a gorgeous, tundra-like wonderland is revealed. Without the rush of the Summer crowd, you’ll find yourself experiencing the beauty and solitude of a special side of the park not many get to see, therefore getting to take part in winter activities that many do not get to do!

One great thing about traveling with Incredible Adventures is that we’ll be continuing our tours to the park daily throughout the season. Our vehicles are small enough and our guides are trained to apply chains to our tires if road restrictions are enforced. Travelers can avoid the stress of driving in uncharted territories by hitching a ride in our small group biofueled mini-coaches!

Once you make it to The Valley, there’s still a lot to see and do. We have single day options, but our if you have the time, we’d recommend our Overnight Hotel Stay-and Play option to experience it all! Here are our favorite Winter activities to check out on our 1 and 2-day tours to the park:

Hike to Lower Yosemite Falls

An easy 30-minute loop trail. While the falls themselves may be dry until rain or snow return, there are still plenty of educational exhibits or places to stop in awe over the nature that surrounds you!

Hike around Mirror Lake

The trail around Mirror lake is open year round and provides a unique perspective to some of the park’s most photographed icons. This hour trail made the list of our favorite Winter Activities for its base views of Half Dome.

Yosemite Museum

Too cold outside? Venture into the museum formerly known as Ansel Adam’s Gallery, to learn about the cultural history of Yosemite’s native Miwok and Paiute people from 1850-present. Demonstrations of basket-weaving, beadwork, and traditional games are presented.

Yosemite Valley Visitor Center

Strike a pose with John Muir! View the exhibit hall where you can learn how Yosemite’s spectacular landscape was formed, how people have interacted with it through the centuries, how wildlife adapts and survives, and how your national park continues to evolve.

Pro Tip: There’s a free 23-minute film that will provide a stunning overview of Yosemite’s splendor

Ansel Adams Gallery

One of the first people to capture Yosemite’s essence was Ansel Adams. Check out his gallery of photos that inspired a nation to head West and recognize the park’s significance!

Majestic Yosemite Hotel

Formerly known as the famous Ahwahnee Hotel, here’s a chance to step back to an earlier era of history as you explore the National Historic Landmark erected in 1927. The hotel provides a cozy atmosphere in which to relax and enjoy a warm drink!

View Half Dome at Sunset

Towering more than 4,000ft above the Eastern end of Yosemite Valley, Half Dome is in a prime location for some pristine sunsets!

Fireside Storytelling campfire at the Majestic Yosemite Hotel

Totally family friendly

Starry Night Skies Over Yosemite

Discover the stories of the night sky. Advanced Registration required at any tour & activity desk once you’re in the park.

Ice Skating

Half Dome Village Ice Rink is open and weather permitting, it costs $9.75/adult, $9/child. Skate Rentals are an additional $4.

Rent Snow Shoes

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can rent a pair at Half Dome Village!

Other Evening Presentations are weather permitting. Have a look at the Park’s website for the most up-to-date winter activities information:

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3 Reasons to Find Yourself Outside this Black Friday Fri, 25 Nov 2016 18:04:46 +0000 Yesterday was Thanksgiving – one of the best reminders of the year that we have all that we need. Things that we own are extra. The moments we spend with our loved ones and the memories shared are what make us truly grateful. As long as we have our health and freedom, we’ll have a...
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Yesterday was Thanksgiving – one of the best reminders of the year that we have all that we need. Things that we own are extra. The moments we spend with our loved ones and the memories shared are what make us truly grateful. As long as we have our health and freedom, we’ll have a brand new day to do it all over again and get it right! But then, Black Friday rolls around…

The media likes to hype us up for Black Friday. “Save big on the Holidays” “Holiday Sales” “If you don’t buy it now, you’ll be a big, fat, broke, GRINCH come Christmas!” Instead of bringing joy, these sentiments leave both the consumer and businesses with pressure-ridden anxieties! How can you combat the corporate giants this holiday season? Two words: Get Outside! Being out amongst nature and avoiding the malls today will bring many benefits that will make you want to say “Thanks” year-round! Here are our 3 favorite reasons to  opt outside this Black Friday!


Save Money

Consumerism. Capitalism. Some other ‘ism’ that dictates how you should be spending. With less cash registers and price tags out in the wilderness, you’ll have less temptation to throw your money away. Besides a possible park entrance fee (Here’s a list of California State Parks that waived their fees today), maybe some gear and a couple of snacks, your bank account will thank you for making it outside!

Live Stress Free

You know all of those crazy videos where people get trampled running around the store for savings? Or the ones where grown adults physically fight over toys because of a sale sticker? Don’t camp overnight in line for the malls to open their doors. Put your tent to better use and camp in the great outdoors. Sit around the campfire and wake up to the fresh air and freedom to do what you please.

Support Responsible Businesses

Materialism and the selfish desire to always get ahead has employers acting all sorts of crazy this time of year. The hours start earlier and go way later. The expectation of spending time with family is pretty much out the window. Consumers expect accessibility and some employees pay the price.


Last year, REI shook up the idea of Black Friday and the crowd went wild! The president closed their stores nationwide, urged it’s employees to ‘opt outside’ with loved ones and their target market couldn’t agree more. We support businesses like REI in their efforts to respect the sustainability of their workers and the environment.

So what are you doing looking at your screen right now? Get outside! Unplug your devices. Disconnect from you WiFi and your comfort zone. Forget about Black Friday. Let’s make it a Green Friday! Find yourself in nature today.

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Video Footage: An Incredible Day in Wine Country Thu, 13 Oct 2016 22:40:32 +0000 Preview what it’s like to experience our tour of Napa and Sonoma from our passenger’s perspective! We sent out Mari Johnson, a California native, as a tourist in her own city. Whether you’re traveling from across the world or across the Bay, a day spent in Wine Country is always a treat! Check out the...
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Preview what it’s like to experience our tour of Napa and Sonoma from our passenger’s perspective!

We sent out Mari Johnson, a California native, as a tourist in her own city. Whether you’re traveling from across the world or across the Bay, a day spent in Wine Country is always a treat!

Check out the video from her day tour below:

This tour includes an educational tram ride around the Benziger Family Winery, tastings at Benziger and Imagery, lunch from Glen Ellen Market and property visits to 4-6 wineries.

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Guide to Incredible Guiding Mon, 23 May 2016 20:52:27 +0000 So you want to be an Incredible Guide – Or at least know what it takes to become one? Well, it’s a rigorous process. Only the strong may survive. But if you can pitch a tent, start a campfire, cook up some gourmet and delicious meals, drive a 20-passenger vehicle, know bits of history, geology,...
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So you want to be an Incredible Guide – Or at least know what it takes to become one? Well, it’s a rigorous process. Only the strong may survive. But if you can pitch a tent, start a campfire, cook up some gourmet and delicious meals, drive a 20-passenger vehicle, know bits of history, geology, geography, viticulture and photography while exuding compassion, charisma, courage all with a smile on your face and a strong sense of adventure: you might just have what it takes!

Step One: Safety

The most crucial aspect of our training process is our focus on Safety. Once a permit is acquired we can begin driving practice. It is no easy feat learning how to reverse or cruise through the city in a transit van with a trailer properly hitched to the back. We focus on skills like J-Docking, Alley-Docking and Offside Parallel Parking to prepare them for their Commercial Driver’s License test that lies ahead.

However, before anyone steps into the vehicle and starts the ignition, a thorough Pre-Trip Inspection MUST occur. Required by law, every time our drivers approach one of our vans, they are to check tire pressure, fluid levels and suspension systems. They make sure that all the seatbelts buckle, turning-signals blink and brakes…. brake. Passengers boarding our vehicles can rest assured that our fleet has been well vetted.

Recently, Incredible Adventures became certified Smith System administers. This nationally recognized standardized safety training adds an extra stamp of security for our guests. 

Step Two: Knowledge

Most of our guides come to us with a respectable amount of experience already! Whether they’ve previously guided cross-country, were born in the Bay Area, or are just Incredible world travelers, we love the diversity they each bring to our tours. We have a guide that lived and worked inside in Yosemite National Park, and another that rock-climbed back in the 70’s – some of the park’s greatest years of elite climbers. Some specialize in their knowledge of Indigenous People and others might as well be certified sommeliers.

Learn all about plants from your knowledgeable guide during the Yosemite 3 day Escape Mitch appreciates the color of a delicious glass of Red Wine 

To ensure consistency on our tours, we provide study material for *everyone* to learn Yosemite and Wine Country basics. We let them shadow our experienced guides and practice their guiding and narration a few times in front of their peers before the true test – their first group of eager passengers! From there, we let their personalities and creative storytelling techniques take it away to deliver an incredible product.

Our guides are also expected to value our green ethics and know what it takes to be green both on the road and back at the office. This includes recycling, composting and powering our vehicles with alternative biofuels. Ask your guide about what makes Incredible Adventures so proud to be San Francisco’s greenest tour provider!

Step Three: Hospitality and Fun!

In the end, even if you are safer than a risk manager and smarter than a neurologist, if you’re not a total people’s person, this line of duty may not be entirely for you. Tourists coming from all over the world come equipped with a diverse set of expectations, needs, sensitivities and aspirations! We train our guides on customer service to prepare them for almost any situation.

The intimacy our small-group tours provide require our guides to engage with and build camaraderie amongst our passengers. This means more flexible and customizable options as we go. We can stop at one photo stop or one winery over another depending on the group’s communicated wishes.

Incredible guides are exhilarated to lead hikes, recommend tastings and have a s’more around the campfire to involve, get to know and better serve their guests. It’s not all fun and games, but when you’re a tour guide, sometimes it’s just part of the job!

Leo's Group Having Fun High Country

So if you thought we just hired a bunch of hooligans that got lucky with their GPS systems and Google searches – Think Again. Tour guides are all around rock&roll all-stars and we like to think we have hired and trained the most incredible of them all!

See for yourself and book a tour with us today! Experience anything from the mild to the wild and Find Yourself Anywhere.

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The Current State of Biofuels Wed, 23 Mar 2016 16:43:19 +0000 Things are changing in California. Even though our state is considered to be one of the most eco-conscious and our city is at the forefront of technology, there are still obstacles to overcome. A core value of ours was complicated recently when a regulation passed that prohibits the sale of B99 biofuels – our alternative solution to petroleum for more than a decade.  While...
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Things are changing in California. Even though our state is considered to be one of the most eco-conscious and our city is at the forefront of technology, there are still obstacles to overcome. A core value of ours was complicated recently when a regulation passed that prohibits the sale of B99 biofuels – our alternative solution to petroleum for more than a decade.  While this doesn’t stop our commitment to using alternative fuels (we are still utilizing a renewable non-petroleum option), it limits our ability to support local producers and 100% waste stream (yellow grease) fuel production. 

See below to learn what’s going on, how it is affecting Incredible Adventures, and how you can help! 


Incredible Adventures’ owners, Jolie Ginsburg and Brian Deninger, have been part of the Biodiesel community since its roots in San Francisco.  This started in 2002 with our vision of having Incredible Adventures become the first fleet in the US  to power its vehicles entirely free of petroleum.  Our petroleum-free fleet helps protect our National Parks which we value so dearly and rely on for our families’ livelihood.

Over the years we have enjoyed many successes, but we have also endured many challenges, whether it be fueling our fleet or ensuring our community has access to a petroleum-free alternative.   Dogpatch Biofuels has always struggled and never been profitable. However, we have stayed the course and continue to advocate and provide a cleaner fuel to promote a cleaner planet.

We regret to inform you of our biggest challenge to date.  As of January 1, 2016, sale of Biodiesel blends above 20% is prohibited by the California Air Resource Board (CARB) regulations. Our variance from the State of California Department of Weights and Measures to sell blends above B20 does not override this new CARB regulation.

Interestingly enough, this prohibition comes on the heels of Incredible Adventures receiving a Cool California Business Award. The award is issued by CARB for California businesses who demonstrate the ability to reduce CO2 emissions and help California achieve it goals of reduced green house gases for a cleaner tomorrow.

We will continue to work with CARB on the possibility of obtaining an “Executive Order” to resume B99 sales in the near future.  In the interim, we are committed to fueling our community and our fleet on petroleum-free fuel.  To achieve our goal, we are changing the fuel sold at Dogpatch Biofuels to a blend we term RB20 (80% Renewable Diesel, 20% Biodiesel).

Much like Biodiesel, Renewable Diesel is derived from both the waste stream and plant oils.  Renewable diesel is a drop-in diesel alternative with no compatibility issues.  Its emissions profile is better than traditional diesel and is not controlled by big petroleum.  With RB20, we are able to have more competitive pricing when compared with petroleum diesel.  This is due to potential volume increases at the station as vehicle engine compatibility is a non-issue.  Over the last 4 years, renewable diesel pricing is more consistent with petrodiesel than biofuel has been.

According to the Air Resource Board and the EPA, the single biggest positive impact that alternative fuels can have on air quality is in the mid-heavy duty fleets.  Dogpatch Biofuels’ RB20 is compatible with all mid-heavy duty vehicles.  With this fuel change, we have an opportunity to reduce petroleum addiction and improve local air quality. So whether you have a connection with Google Bus or know a small construction company looking to lower their impact, please have them call our office (415) 642-7378 and ask for Brian Deninger.

We ask our community to stand with us.  Whether you are a retail customer, fleet customer, traveled with us, friend, family, employee, or motivated to create a cleaner planet, please share this newsletter.  Other positive actions could include writing your representatives, putting pressure on car manufacturers to support alternative fuels, and/or demanding better products that support local business and a cleaner future.

We urge you to contact the Air Resource Board to express any concerns.  General inquiries 800-242-4450 or email

Brian Deninger and Jolie Ginsburg
Owners of Dogpatch Biofuels and Incredible Adventures

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CoolCA Small Business Climate Leaders Mon, 14 Mar 2016 18:25:38 +0000 On Wednesday, March 3, California Air Resources Board (CARB), a division of the state’s Environmental Protection Agency, presented San Francisco’s greenest tour provider, Incredible Adventures, with a CoolCalifornia Small Business Climate Leader award! CoolCalifornia’s Small Business program acknowledges steps a company takes to reduce its carbon footprint and minimize its environmental impact. To qualify for this award, a...
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CoolCA Small Business Climate Leader Interview

On Wednesday, March 3, California Air Resources Board (CARB), a division of the state’s Environmental Protection Agency, presented San Francisco’s greenest tour provider, Incredible Adventures, with a CoolCalifornia Small Business Climate Leader award!

CoolCalifornia’s Small Business program acknowledges steps a company takes to reduce its carbon footprint and minimize its environmental impact. To qualify for this award, a business must have less than 100 employees and be in compliance with all applicable environmental regulations. Much of what already qualifies us as an SF Green Business  made us eligible to apply.

Accepting CoolCA award

Submissions from a wide array of businesses from all over the state were thoroughly vetted by a panel of 17 judges. Nineteen winners represented an auto body shop, a dental office, a pet cleaning company, a winery and vineyard, a hotel, a catering company, a gym and more!

Our biofuel fueled mission on the road and green practices in the office demonstrated to the committee our approach to integrate sustainable practices throughout our operations. Factors taken into consideration during judgement were our plumbing, light fixtures, recycling, composting and green purchasing policy that all align to reduce our costs and increase sustainable efficiency.

As a designated climate leader, we now qualify to distinguish ourselves as a Business of the Year at their next event. We look forward to documenting our improvements this coming year and continuously evolving our operations to proactively work with the environmental issues at hand.

CoolCA Award

Our commitment to protect the natural areas that we visit on our trips is more than just the physical award or a few paragraphs for the blog. We are leading California towards a healthier economic future. We look forward to the day when green business becomes less of a trend and more of our reality. Less award recognition necessary – we’ll just all do what’s right! But hey, in the meantime – our beautiful, shiny, heavy, blue and perfect award made of recycled glass sure does look nice at our receptionist’s desk 🙂

Congratulations to all who shared this prestigious honor!

We are proud to be grouped  together with such an incredible crowd!


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Lunchtime in Sonoma Town Square Mon, 12 Oct 2015 20:35:38 +0000 You’re going to drink some of the best wine that California has to offer with some of the most picturesque acres of vineyards as your backdrop. Could you imagine your day getting any better? Well just around lunchtime – it does! Here are some ways you can spend your free time in historic Sonoma Town Square:...
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You’re going to drink some of the best wine that California has to offer with some of the most picturesque acres of vineyards as your backdrop.

Could you imagine your day getting any better? Well just around lunchtime – it does!

Here are some ways you can spend your free time in historic Sonoma Town Square:

Grab a Bite to Eat
Lunchtime’s main focus should be the act of lunch. Especially considering the 3-4 tastings on your itinerary, you’ll want some food to soak up the alcohol. Nobody wants to be THAT passenger 😉

A couple of our favorites in the square are Sunflower Caffe as a sit-down option, Sonoma Cheese Factory for a sandwich and cheese sample, or The Girl & The Fig.

Cheese Tastings
While not an official tasting, there are definitely samples to try before you buy. Grab a toothpick and go to town. Try the Jacks; try the cheddars; try em all! We have a feeling you’ll think they’re all grate.

Drink More Wine
Don’t let lunch get in the way of a good time. Keep the wine tastings going! It’s not everyday you’re in a premium wine-growing region. Choose between free pours or pay-to-play. Maybe multitask and order a bite to eat to accompany your glass. However you’re feeling,

Have A Beer
There is a tavern and Irish Pub to take a break from tasting grapes. Sonoma is becoming more recognized for their craft brews so you may want to pair lunch with what’s on tap.

Shop til You Drop
Or at least until you’re supposed to meet back up with your guide! Browse through boutiques full of high-fashion clothing and accessories. Maybe you’ll find the shoes to match that dress you’ve been waiting to wear. Or that dress to match your shoes. Maybe a the perfect golf-themed wine bottle holder for your uncle (no kidding). Skip the cheesy souvenirs (unless it is literally cheese…) and buy yourself something nice!

Learn Something
Sonoma Town Square has a lot of history to it. It’s the site of the Bear Flag Revolt – yes that cute little bear on our state flag – and home of California’s northernmost mission, Mission San Francisco de Solano. Explore the Barracks whose first inhabitants were Mexican soldiers back in 1835!

Chocolate Tastings
Tucked away in a little alley of shops is a delightful chocolate shop sure to appease your sweet tooth. No reservation necessary, you can waltz in and sample their truffle ganache flavor of the day and taste chocolates in varying cacao percentages. Try their world class truffles filled with ganaches made of fruit, honeys, peanut butter, and you guessed it – more wine!

Our guides spend a lot of time in Sonoma Town Square. They’re friends with the locals that work downtown and know all of the hidden gems. Be sure to ask your guide for advice if you’re not sure what to do! However you choose to spend your time – we’re sure you’ll enjoy your break on this Incredible Woods and Wine Combo Tour!

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Happy 99th, National Park Service! Tue, 11 Aug 2015 20:22:53 +0000 A bit of history for ya: In 1882, Yellowstone was signed into law as protected land. As some years went by, other monuments and natural/historic areas were recognized, but the management of these properties was assigned to multiple agencies from the War Department to the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture. In 1915, to...
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A bit of history for ya:

In 1882, Yellowstone was signed into law as protected land. As some years went by, other monuments and natural/historic areas were recognized, but the management of these properties was assigned to multiple agencies from the War Department to the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture.

In 1915, to help streamline operations, Teddy Roosevelt established the National Park Service; a federal organization whose mission was to protect and manage the 35 national parks and monuments acknowledged at the time.

In celebration of this milestone and to kickoff their centennial year, NPS is offering free admission to more than 400 parks across the US on August 25 – including Muir Woods National Monument and Yosemite National Park (two of our favorites!).

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Biodiesel: By All Means Mon, 25 May 2015 20:12:00 +0000 National Biodiesel Board recently featured our company on America’s Advanced Biofuel website. We were selected as one of eight stories to highlight Biodiesel in Action from coast-to-coast. Check out their video interview here! It was the middle of the night when our owner, Jolie Ginsburg, woke up with a harsh realization: Our petroleum tours to the...
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National Biodiesel Board recently featured our company on America’s Advanced Biofuel website. We were selected as one of eight stories to highlight Biodiesel in Action from coast-to-coast.

Check out their video interview here!

It was the middle of the night when our owner, Jolie Ginsburg, woke up with a harsh realization: Our petroleum tours to the natural gems surrounding San Francisco were harmful and unsustainable. She woke her partner, Brian Deninger, up and confessed her unwillingness to be complacent on the matter any longer.  From then on, they vowed to only use alternative fuels whenever possible.

And we did! Today, our growing fleet sets the standard for sustainability by running on 99.9% biofuel!

Click here to learn why IA chooses eco-friendly biofuel alternative fuel!

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Open That Bottle! Fri, 27 Feb 2015 00:13:02 +0000 Come on, open it. You know the bottle we’re talking about. The expensive one you bought on vacation in Napa 5 years ago. The one you got as an anniversary present, or from your boss for a job well done, or that you bought for a “special occasion” that never really manifested. Yeah, THAT bottle....
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Come on, open it.

You know the bottle we’re talking about. The expensive one you bought on vacation in Napa 5 years ago. The one you got as an anniversary present, or from your boss for a job well done, or that you bought for a “special occasion” that never really manifested. Yeah, THAT bottle. The one gathering dust in your cabinet.

Maybe it feels like the time isn’t right, or that you haven’t reached your goal yet, or that it’s just too “special” to open. Maybe your friends aren’t wine connoisseurs and you think you shouldn’t “waste” it. While those excuses may be legitimate for you, you may be missing out on the chance to celebrate and re-live the experiences that got you the wine in the first place.

Sonoma-Wine-Tour-Cornerstone-Group-Fun-wTHIS WEEKEND ONLY: save BIG on a wine tour!
Promotion ends soon.

It’s time to live a little: National Open That Bottle Night is coming up on February 28th (this Saturday). This is an opportunity to come together with friends, get creative with a special meal, and finally breathe life into that aging beverage; making new memories and savoring the old ones. Open That Bottle Night was invented by Dorothy J. Gaiter and John Brechter of the Wall Street Journal’s weekly wine “Tastings” column (see their article about OTBN here, and learn some tips to ensure success). They believe that “wine is more than the liquid in the bottle. It’s about history, geography, relationships and all of the things that are really important in life”.

Regardless of the age, price, or varietal, open a bottle of wine this Saturday and relive the memories that make it special.


…And hey, you’ll need some new memories, so come along with us on a Muir Woods and Sonoma Tour, a Napa & Sonoma Wine Education Tour, or even our Napa & Sonoma Overnight Hotel Tour and get a couple new bottles, bring them home, and stick them in the back of the cupboard for a special occasion*. There’s another Open That Bottle Night coming along on February 27, 2016, after all.

THIS WEEKEND ONLY: save BIG on a wine tour!
Promotion ends soon.

*Here at Incredible Adventures, we believe strongly that Wednesdays are special occasions (#WineWednesday). Also any day when traffic is bad, or there’s nothing but reruns. Also all other days. YOU make it special! OPEN THAT BOTTLE!

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Meet Our New General Manager: JD Boyle! Fri, 16 Jan 2015 18:42:59 +0000 We are proud to announce that Incredible Adventures has found a General Manager! Since our previous GM (Gussy Haun) made the move to grad school in South Carolina in December and transitioned to managing our group contracts, we’ve been on the hunt for the right person to join our team and fill her role. JD...
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We are proud to announce that Incredible Adventures has found a General Manager!

Since our previous GM (Gussy Haun) made the move to grad school in South Carolina in December and transitioned to managing our group contracts, we’ve been on the hunt for the right person to join our team and fill her role. JD comes to us with a lot of industry experience, and a passion for Adventure Travel and sustainability. Here’s a little bit about JD (you can learn about all of our staff and guides on our Staff Bio page):

JD found his way to the mountains of Steamboat Springs, Colorado from the hills of Kentucky in 1995. He quickly began to expand his knowledge and love of the wilderness as a white water rafting guide, a rock climber and an avid backpacker. Moving south to continue his education at Fort Lewis College in Durango turned out to be a perfect fit as it was situated near all of the outdoor activities he loved and the study of the surrounding geology was absolutely enthralling.

In the spring of 2000, after guiding raft trips for four years, JD began his career as a North American Tour Leader spending most of that decade guiding people from all over the world to the highlights of the USA, Canada and Mexico as well as Guatemala and Belize.

After several years on the road as a guide, JD took a more serious role in transportation working with Con-Way Truckload and became a Certified Director of Safety through the North American Transportation Management Institute. He served as an Operations Assistant Manager, then the Fleet Safety and Compliance Manager and Head of Department for an international tourism organization.

The sense of adventure and care for the environment is still strong for JD, as he pedals his Surly LHT to work most days and with the recent purchase of a 37 foot sailboat, he’ll often be found exploring the San Francisco Bay under the power of the wind and, of course, the occasional use of some of that sweet recycled cooking oil from Dogpatch Biofuels when he has to crank up the diesel.

JD says, “There’s a lot of positive change happening in tourism and transportation right now. I’m honored to have the opportunity to lead the Incredible Adventures team, our partners, and our clients up the path toward true sustainability and meaningful adventure.”

Welcome to the team, JD!

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FAQ: Winter in Yosemite Thu, 13 Nov 2014 20:45:32 +0000 Q) Do you go to Yosemite year-round? A) Incredible Adventures travels to Yosemite EVERY DAY. Many tour companies around here shut down their Yosemite operations during the snowy winter months, but we’re one of the few that stay operational year ’round! With the exception of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years’ Day (the only 3 days we...
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Q) Do you go to Yosemite year-round?

A) Incredible Adventures travels to Yosemite EVERY DAY. Many tour companies around here shut down their Yosemite operations during the snowy winter months, but we’re one of the few that stay operational year ’round! With the exception of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years’ Day (the only 3 days we don’t operate tours), we run our Yosemite Day Tours daily, year ’round, and our Yosemite Winter Stay & Play Hotel Tours daily throughout the winter season! Our Yosemite Hotel Tours run 3 times a week in the summertime, as do our Yosemite Escape 3-Day Camping Tours.

Q2) What about all the snow and road closures in Yosemite in the winter?

A2) Yosemite is located up in the Sierra Nevada mountains, so it gets quite a bit of snow in the winter time. For us coastal-California types, this is super exciting (we’re not very used to snow down here at sea-level)! Still, it can make transportation through the mountain passes a little more complicated, so we are always well-prepared for any kind of weather. All of our vehicles are small-format (no more than 15 passengers), which makes it easier for us to get around. Every mini-coach in our fleet is prepared with snow chains, and our guides are rigorously trained to know when and how to use them safely. In the winter months, we check the road conditions several times a day, making sure that our routes to and from Yosemite are the safest and clearest available (to assure the safety and comfort of our guests, and also to maximize the amount of time you get to explore the park)!

Q3) Are there differences in the tour in the wintertime?

A3)There are  a lot of areas of Yosemite that aren’t accessible in the wintertime, and you’d be pretty miserable in the cold if you COULD get there. So, we try to format our tours to make sure you’re getting the best options for you within the season that you’re traveling! The links below will take you to our summer and winter itineraries for both our day and overnight tours:


Yosemite Day Tour
Yosemite Experience 2-Day Hotel Tour
Yosemite Escape 3-Day Camping Tour


Yosemite Day Tour
Yosemite Stay & Play 2-Day Winter Hotel Tour

If you have any concerns or questions, you can ALWAYS contact us and we’ll help you with anything you need to fully enjoy your time in Yosemite!

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Winter with IA Thu, 06 Nov 2014 19:10:51 +0000 Despite the freakishly warm weather in San Francisco, our summer season at Incredible Adventures is officially at a close! We welcome the shoulder season, as we ease into winter both here in San Francisco, and out on the road in Yosemite National Park and in Wine Country. Our Yosemite 1-Day , Muir Woods and Wine, and Napa & Sonoma Wine...
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Despite the freakishly warm weather in San Francisco, our summer season at Incredible Adventures is officially at a close! We welcome the shoulder season, as we ease into winter both here in San Francisco, and out on the road in Yosemite National Park and in Wine Country.


href=””>Yosemite 1-Day , Muir Woods and Wine, and Napa & Sonoma Wine Education tours run every day during the winter, providing a great get-away for guests who don’t have a lot of time (but would like to get a glimpse of California’s beautiful countryside). For travelers with a little more time to explore, we offer two-day tour packages (hotel stay included) of both Yosemite and Wine Country through the winter. These tours are a great way for passengers to take in everything California has to offer.

This is an excellent time of year to see Wine Country, and there’s no better way than to get a hotel right next to beautiful Sonoma Square and spend a couple of days! With our Napa, Sonoma, and Muir Woods 2-Day Hotel Tour, you can do just that! This time of year the tasting rooms are less crowded, everyone is starting to get into the holiday cheer, and new wines are being pulled out for special holiday sales (yay)!

In addition to folding up the tents from our last camping trip of the season, we’ve also completed all of our summer hotel tours to Yosemite National Park. The roads to Glacier Point and the Giant Sequoias will be closed soon, and the trails are beginning to be snowed in. Now we move to our winter itinerary, which focuses on the beautiful solitude of Yosemite Valley in the snow, as well as offering our more active guests an option for some skiing, snowboarding, snow tubing, ice skating, and fun on the slopes! This trip includes a stay in a cozy hotel INSIDE Yosemite Valley, where you’ll be immersed in the winter beauty throughout your stay. Our Yosemite Stay & Play Winter Hotel Tour is an awesome way to experience Yosemite Park.

As the busier summer months fall away, the shoulder season is the optimal time to finally go on that wine country tour you’ve been meaning to arrange with us. Or catch a glimpse of Yosemite, made no less beautiful by the winter months. Bundle up and come away with us on an Incredible Winter Adventure!

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People Don’t Care About Climate Change? Think Again. Mon, 22 Sep 2014 22:31:42 +0000 Climate change is real, and people ARE paying attention. Tomorrow, over a hundred world leaders in many fields (including President Barack Obama) are gathering for a Climate Summit at the UN headquarters in New York to begin work on a global agreement to address climate change. The Climate Summit’s website says “The Climate Summit will be about action...
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Climate change is real, and people ARE paying attention.

Tomorrow, over a hundred world leaders in many fields (including President Barack Obama) are gathering for a Climate Summit at the UN headquarters in New York to begin work on a global agreement to address climate change. The Climate Summit’s website says “The Climate Summit will be about action and solutions that are focused on accelerating progress in areas that can significantly contribute to reducing emissions and strengthening resilience – such as agriculture, cities, energy, financing, forests, pollutants, resilience and transportation.”

“By promoting climate action, it aims to show that leaders across sectors and at all levels are taking action, thus expanding the reach of what is possible today, in 2015, and beyond.”

To kick things off, more than 300,000 people showed up in New York for the People’s Climate March over the weekend, making it the largest climate-focused march in history. This march filled 4 miles of streets around Columbus Circle and Central Park West and got a LOT of news coverage. Among the crowd were politicians, policymakers, and famous environmentalists – including Leonardo DiCaprio. Leo was recently named a “Messenger of Peace on Climate Change” by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, joining the likes of Edward Norton, Michael Douglas, Charlize Theron, and Jane Goodall (to name a few influential folks that also hold the MOP title). Leonardo will be speaking at the summit tomorrow as well.

Things are starting to change. In the news this week, it was reported that the Rockefeller family is divesting of their shares in fossil fuels, and have pledged to invest in cleaner alternatives. According to the New York Times, “their actions…could help spur international debate, while the shift of investment funds to energy alternatives could lead to solutions to the carbon puzzle.” (read the full article).

Fueled by biofuel

At Incredible Adventures, we use biofuel fuel made from locally-sourced, 100% recycled waste vegetable oil to run our fleet of mini-coaches. We think protecting the environment from global warming and traveling the world shouldn’t be conflicting goals, and are dedicated to finding ways to travel responsibly. To see so many people taking to the streets (and putting their money where their mouth is) to bring awareness to these environmental issues is encouraging and inspiring!


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Sustainable Travel: Donating Camping Gear Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:19:42 +0000 Being sustainable in this industry is difficult; there’s a lot of waste inherent in travel. One of the major issues we face as a green business is what to do with all of our lightly used (and sometimes more than lightly used) gear. Providing camping trips in Yosemite (and adventurous experiences all over the United States) results...
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Being sustainable in this industry is difficult; there’s a lot of waste inherent in travel. One of the major issues we face as a green business is what to do with all of our lightly used (and sometimes more than lightly used) gear. Providing camping trips in Yosemite (and adventurous experiences all over the United States) results in a lot of sleeping bags, tents, sleeping pads, and camping equipment left over at the end of the season. A lot of times, our guests also purchase gear for the sole purpose of taking our tours, and when they’re done, they don’t want to have to bring it all back home with them, so they leave it with us. This all adds up quickly.

We believe strongly in responsible tourism and sustainable travel. In order to minimize waste and support our community, Incredible Adventures has several ways that we reuse and donate these items:

1. FIX IT: We order new parts (instead of buying whole new sets) to decrease waste and make the most use out of our gear. If we wind up with equipment that’s too damaged to donate or pass on, we’ll take any usable parts off of them, so that we can repair our equipment.

2. RECYCLE: We then try to recycle anything we can. San Francisco has launched a zero-waste initiative that now includes textiles, and we’re very excited to have new options for safely and responsibly recycling these items when they’re too worn to use or donate!

3. DONATE: There are many programs in San Francisco dedicated to providing shelter, food, and safety to the low-income and homeless populations in the city. We donate all of our usable sleeping bags and blankets to Project Homeless Connect to be passed down to people in need. Side note: the PHC office also saves all of their single-side printed paper for us to re-use for our own internal printing needs (so that we’re only using new printer paper when it’s necessary)!

This week, Incredible Adventures also donated roughly 30 sleeping bags and some tents to SFUSD Starr King elementary school’s 5th grade class camping trip.  This school serves a large population of low income families, and camping trips like this can help inner city kids get in touch with nature and learn more about the environment.

We’re happy to be able to provide assistance to our community, and are glad that the equipment we accrue can go to good causes.

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I Heart Wine: Drinking for Health Thu, 04 Sep 2014 15:25:20 +0000 Bad news for couch-potato drinkers. A new study called “In Vino Veritas” was presented on September 2, 2014 at the ESC Congress by Prof Milos Taborsky of the Czech Republic. This study showed that though wine DOES protect against cardiovascular disease, it only works if you exercise. The theory of heart-healthy wine consumption has been...
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Bad news for couch-potato drinkers.

A new study called “In Vino Veritas” was presented on September 2, 2014 at the ESC Congress by Prof Milos Taborsky of the Czech Republic. This study showed that though wine DOES protect against cardiovascular disease, it only works if you exercise. The theory of heart-healthy wine consumption has been kicking around since the ’90s, but this is the “first randomised trial comparing the effects of red and white wine on markers of atherosclerosis in people at mild to moderate risk of CVD”, said Taborsky. “We found that moderate wine drinking was only protective in people who exercised”. 

Basically, a bunch of folks had to drink wine (Pinot Noir or Chardonnay-Pinot) for a year FOR SCIENCE. Sounds like a great job. Corks were collected to prevent cheating (who would cheat by NOT drinking wine?), and the participants tracked both their consumption and exercise, and maintained their regular diets. Their cholesterol levels were tested after a year.

Ultimately, it was found that wine alone isn’t a magic heart-protector, but that when paired with moderate exercise (defined as “at least twice a week”), good things happened. HDL (“good cholesterol“, which protects your heart) levels increased in this subgroup, and LDL (“bad cholesterol”) and total cholesterol levels decreased overall.

You can read a detailed description of the In Vino Veritas study and Taborsky’s findings here.

Soooooo…basically, you should probably go for a walk, and then have some wine. If you need some help with that, check out our Muir Woods and Wine Tour, our Napa & Sonoma Wine Education Tour, or our Woods & Wine Overnight tour. We’re not saying it’ll help your heart, but it sure won’t hurt to try!

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FAQ: Pickups from SFO / San Francisco Airport Thu, 04 Sep 2014 14:31:58 +0000 Q) Do you pick up at the San Francisco Airport (SFO) or from airport-area hotels? A) Incredible Adventures picks up at nearly every hotel in the city proper: hotels in SOMA, Fisherman’s Wharf, Union Square, the Financial District, the Embarcadero, and Lombard Street are all within our pickup radius! That said, we cannot pick you...
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Q) Do you pick up at the San Francisco Airport (SFO) or from airport-area hotels?

A) Incredible Adventures picks up at nearly every hotel in the city proper: hotels in SOMA, Fisherman’s Wharf, Union Square, the Financial District, the Embarcadero, and Lombard Street are all within our pickup radius! That said, we cannot pick you up (or drop you off) at the San Francisco Airport, or at any of the nearby airport hotels. Here’s why:

It’s a little-known fact that the San Francisco Airport (SFO) isn’t actually located in San Francisco proper! Because of our city’s unique geography (we’re bordered on 3 sides by water), there’s not a lot of space for things like airports, so it got placed approximately 13 miles to the south. San Francisco has mastered this complication fairly well, with several public transportation options (and many cabs and airport shuttles) to make sure folks visiting our fair city can get here.

Because of this additional space and the long haul to the city, many “Airport Hotels” have popped up in the South San Francisco, Burlingame, and Millbrae areas. These hotels are often less expensive than hotels in the center of the city, and are ideal for business travelers and people who are arriving or departing very early (or very late) from SFO.

Still, this 13 miles from the city can be quite a long way, especially in high-traffic commute hours. This means an added 20+ minutes each direction to get to these hotels, which cuts into the precious time we have to take our guests to see the amazing views of Yosemite Valley (or worse, it cuts into your wine tasting time)! Also, commercial vehicles like Incredible Adventures’ mini-coaches are required to have special permits before they’re allowed onto airport property. Because of this, we do not have pickups available from SFO or the surrounding area.

Q2) So…How can I meet your tour, then?

A2) You have several great options:

– Some airport hotels have a shuttle into the city, or to the airport (where you can catch BART easily). Check with your concierge or the front desk; they will be able to assist you in making the best choice of transportation.

– If you’re staying at an airport hotel with a car, we can suggest a local hotel in the city proper that has very reasonable flat-rate all-day parking. Contact us and we’ll give you directions.

– You can take a cab or Uber, but make sure you check the price before you go. It can sometimes be very pricey, so unless you have a large group and are splitting the fare, be careful!

– Our public transportation systems are very reliable and are a great way to get around. We often suggest taking BART into the city and meeting us right by the Powell St station at a central hotel meeting point (usually the Wyndham Parc 55, which is right next to the station), or taking CalTrain in to the San Francisco Station at 4th and Townsend. We know navigating a new city can be tricky; feel free to give us a call and our staff will be happy to help you figure out the right transportation for you!

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FAQ: Biodiesel Fuel Surcharge on Yosemite Tours Thu, 14 Aug 2014 19:15:58 +0000 Q. WHAT’S YOUR “FUEL SURCHARGE” ALL ABOUT? WHY DO YOU CHARGE IT? A. Incredible Adventures uses a petroleum-free biofuel fuel. This this isn’t yet common in the industry and isn’t directly influenced by gas prices, but we’re still at the effect of market prices for our fuel, and sometimes even subject to limited supply. The...
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A. Incredible Adventures uses a petroleum-free biofuel fuel. This this isn’t yet common in the industry and isn’t directly influenced by gas prices, but we’re still at the effect of market prices for our fuel, and sometimes even subject to limited supply. The surcharge is designed to adjust for fluctuating fuel/operation prices during the tour season. Generally the surcharge is about $10 per-tour and is limited to the tours with the longest drive-times (our Yosemite Tours). If your tour has an additional fuel surcharge, it will be clearly stated on the website or in the brochure.

We believe that protecting the environment from harmful emissions (and not being reliant on oil) is worth the additional cost of using an alternative fuel, and worth the extra work we do to maintain biofuel as a viable alternative in our industry. Our hope is that we can always be clear with our guests about these sorts of additions so there are no surprises, and make sure our clients know exactly what they’re getting, and what they’re paying for it.

Dogpatch Biofuels Station

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Did You Know? Galen Clark Was First Guardian of The Yosemite Grant Tue, 22 Jul 2014 19:11:58 +0000 Galen Clark was the first designated Guardian of Yosemite. After visiting in 1855 as part of a tourist party (which he joined for health reasons after a diagnosis of tuberculosis), he became inspired by the Giant Sequoia trees in what’s now well-known as Mariposa Grove, and spent his next 50 years studying and protecting the...
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Galen Clark was the first designated Guardian of Yosemite. After visiting in 1855 as part of a tourist party (which he joined for health reasons after a diagnosis of tuberculosis), he became inspired by the Giant Sequoia trees in what’s now well-known as Mariposa Grove, and spent his next 50 years studying and protecting the giant trees and their home of Yosemite. He is thought to be the first person to actually count and measure the Giant Sequoias.

Galen Clark Guardian of Yosemite
Picture of Galen Clark

Within two years of his first experience of this area, Galen had built himself a log cabin which became known as “Clark’s Station”. Here he provided visitors (including John Muir, when he first traveled to Yosemite) with food, shelter, and education about the area. He and John became friends; Muir later stating that Clark was “the best mountaineer” he’d ever met.

On June 30th, 1864, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Yosemite Grant (which celebrated its 150th anniversary this year!), designating Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Grove as a grant “inalienable for all time” to the state of California “for public use, resort and recreation” – not for settlement. A guardian was chosen to oversee the board of commissioners, and that guardian was Galen Clark. He maintained this position for the next 24 years.

It is said Galen used to hike through the park barefoot, and was quoted as saying that shoes are “cruel and silly instruments of torture, at once uncivilized, unhuman and unnecessary.”

To see the beautiful Giant Sequoias and Yosemite Valley that inspired Galen Clark, join us on our Yosemite Experience 2-Day Hotel Tours or our Yosemite Escape 3- Day Camping Tour. Shoes are optional, but strongly advised – sorry Galen!

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Let’s Talk About Greenwashing Mon, 14 Jul 2014 19:21:17 +0000 GREEN. You’ve seen it in the news, in advertisements, on the television, and in your local stores. With the mainstream media *finally* recognizing the devastating effects of global warming and conscious consumers demanding change, being green is “cool” these days and everyone’s jumping on-board. Corporate “greenwashing” is rampant. You may see the words  “Sustainable”, “Eco-Conscious”,...
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You’ve seen it in the news, in advertisements, on the television, and in your local stores. With the mainstream media *finally* recognizing the devastating effects of global warming and conscious consumers demanding change, being green is “cool” these days and everyone’s jumping on-board.

Corporate “greenwashing” is rampant. You may see the words  “Sustainable”, “Eco-Conscious”, “Good for the Environment”, “Smart Choice”, or “Responsible”, but….how do you know what that means? How do you quantify “green”?

1. Know Where You Stand. If you don’t know enough about the issue, how can you make an informed decision? Knowledge is power, and knowing the details can help you choose the businesses and causes you support. Learn where your boundaries are, and know enough to stand up for them when they’re challenged. Here are some Biodiesel Basics to get you started.

2. Do Your Research. Just because a company says they’re doing something to combat climate change doesn’t mean they’re doing it, or that they’re doing it the way you think they are. Go to the source (if you can) and find out what actual steps they’re taking. Look up reviews and articles to see what people are saying, and ask questions directly if you can’t find the anwers online. Here’s a great resource for finding more local San Francisco Green Businesses while you’re visiting!

3. Beware of Greenwashing. There’s lots of ways to look responsible without having to actually BE responsible (usually by paying someone to do it for you). In our industry, the most common form of this is buying Carbon Credits in order to “offset” transportation emissions (read: exhaust from their vehicles). The thing is, pollution is pollution, so even if you’re planting trees or buying credits from a company that’s decreasing its emissions “on your behalf”, that stuff is still going into the air. It shouldn’t be about someone doing less damage, so you can do more damage and “it’ll balance out”. We ALL need to be doing our part. Incredible Adventures’ Biodiesel Tours are carbon-neutral right out of the tailpipe (no carbon credits needed here)!

4. Walk the Talk. If you want to use these words, be prepared to show you know what they mean. You can learn more about Incredible Adventures’ sustainability efforts here: What Does it Mean to be Green?

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Incredible Adventures is a 2014 Award of Excellence WINNER! Mon, 07 Jul 2014 14:21:05 +0000 First off, we’d like to give a big THANK YOU to all our adventurers out there; we couldn’t have done this without you! We’re honored and humbled to receive such high praise from our travelers. Incredible Adventures has received a TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence for the fourth consecutive year! This prestigious award, which honors outstanding...
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First off, we’d like to give a big THANK YOU to all our adventurers out there; we couldn’t have done this without you! We’re honored and humbled to receive such high praise from our travelers.

Incredible Adventures has received a TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence for the fourth consecutive year! This prestigious award, which honors outstanding service in tourism and hospitality worldwide, is given only to the top 10% of businesses that consistently achieve exceptional traveler reviews on TripAdvisor. There’s a lot of tourism in San Francisco, so to be labeled as “excellent”, well, it feels pretty darn good.

One of our co-owners, Brian Deninger, says “As a small, family-owned company, we are very proud to accept this distinguished award. We have offered petroleum-free tours from San Francisco for more than a decade. In the past 4 years alone, we’ve run over 2 million miles on Biodiesel alternative fuel; offsetting over 65,000 barrels of oil in that time. Our recognition on TripAdvisor shows that you don’t have to travel at the expense of the environment.”

At Incredible Adventures, minimizing our impact on the destinations we visit is second only to the satisfaction of our passengers. To be recognized for the quality of our service empowers us to pursue our ethos of responsible tourism. When you come with us to Yosemite, Muir Woods, or Napa & Sonoma Wine Country, you know that you are traveling responsibly.

We strive to provide experiences for our clients that are sustainable, unique, and also FUN! It’s with the help and feedback of all of you out there that we can continue to do so, and we thank you for keeping us “Excellent”.

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