Mikayla Matheson, Author at Incredible Adventures http://incadventures.com/author/mikaylam/ Small Group Tours from San Francisco in Biofuel Vans - One or Multi-Day. Yosemite Tours, Napa Valley, Sonoma Wine, Muir Woods. Thu, 18 Mar 2021 21:22:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 https://incadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/IA-Round-Logo-Grey-50x50.png Mikayla Matheson, Author at Incredible Adventures http://incadventures.com/author/mikaylam/ 32 32 Witness Yosemite’s ‘Firefall’ this 2020 https://incadventures.com/witness-yosemite-firefall-2020-incredible-adventures/ https://incadventures.com/witness-yosemite-firefall-2020-incredible-adventures/#respond Fri, 31 Jan 2020 18:08:20 +0000 http://incadventures.com/?p=13756 Off the eastern edge of El Capitan flows a small but significant stream. Within the crevices of the granite cliffside, Horsetail Falls has a knack for hiding, yet in a couple of weeks it will take center stage as the greatest spectacle for those visiting Yosemite National Park. What is Firefall? Firefall is a natural...
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Off the eastern edge of El Capitan flows a small but significant stream. Within the crevices of the granite cliffside, Horsetail Falls has a knack for hiding, yet in a couple of weeks it will take center stage as the greatest spectacle for those visiting Yosemite National Park.

What is Firefall?

Firefall is a natural phenomenon that happens every late winter/early spring in Yosemite National Park. As the sun begins to set, Horsetail Falls becomes a thin ribbon of embered orange with hues of red, cascading to the valley floor. This mystical glow is a timely manner, only striking for 2 weeks in February, 10-15 minutes before the sun fully disappears behind towering rock faces. This year, the naturally occurring Firefall starts February 14, 2020.

The Firefall is a fickle phenomena as several variables must perfectly converge. There must be enough snow melt where Horsetail Falls is actually flowing, but this fall has a peak flow season of December through April, keeping chances quite high. Furthermore, the sky must be crystal clear at sunset. Even subtle clouds can block sun rays from making their way through to the falls. When nature harmoniously merges during this time, visitors are left with one of Yosemite’s breathtaking sights adding to the supernatural effect of the park.’

source: @neilbennett3

The History of Firefall in Yosemite

‘Last Light on Horsetail Falls‘ is the first known photograph to capture the Firefall in all its vivid glory. Taken in 1973 by Galen Rowell, a National Geographic photographer, the photograph made the annual event a bucket list view for aspiring photographers, and outdoor enthusiasts alike. “The most interesting parts of the natural world are the edges, places where ocean meets land, meadow meets forest, timberline touches the heights,” stated Rowell, or in this case where sun meets water.

Although the name is reminiscent of the spectacle’s similarity to the golden blaze of summer bonfires, the naturally occurring Firefall inherited its name from a Yosemite tradition dating back to the nineteenth century.

A small inn, known as ‘The Mountain House’ was built at the top of Glacier Point in 1873. It served as a resting place for those traveling James McCauley’s toll trail from Yosemite Valley to the base of Sentinel Rock, a route now known as ‘The Four Mile Trail’ and one of the valley’s most popular hikes. The building of ‘The Mountain House’ and the addition of The Glacier Point Hotel in 1917 made the area more suitable for travelers, growing in popularity. As a form of summer entertainment, large bonfires were built during the evenings with red fir bark on the edge of Glacier Point. As flames gave way and the night continued to darken, piles of crimson embers were pushed over the edge, creating a steady flow of light.

To view a stream of fire tumbling down 3,000 feet became a sought-after event from Camp Curry (now Curry Village) down in the valley. Starting in 1872, the event became a ritual, occurring every evening at 9:00pm until it’s last descent in January 1968. After almost a century, the park service banned the firefall event due to its unnatural essence and severe damage among local meadows.

How to see Firefall this February

Despite the end of an era with the man-made firefall tradition, the history lives on each February as visitors flock to witness the grandeur of it’s natural replacement. Let us take you to see the Yosemite Firefall this winter! This year the Firefalls are scheduled to occur February 14th through 27th, and luckily we still have hotel rooms available within the Valley.

There are two ways to experience this must-see phenomenon: Take the trip at your own pace and book a hotel room or join one of our tours to receive both transportation, a guided tour of Yosemite Valley and a hotel room.

Here are more details on how to secure your spot:

1. Book a hotel room and self-drive to the park

It is recommended to stay in Yosemite Valley when viewing Firefall. With the additional visitors during this time period and a lack of parking, staying within Yosemite Valley is the most convenient option. These rooms book up fast online, but we still have a few rooms available at a few of our preferred accommodation options: Yosemite Valley Lodge and the Half Dome Village Tent Cabins (weekends only through winter).

Check our hotels page to see live availability for both of those hotels and to find out more information. Remember, book quickly for the 2020 event!

2. Take in the sights as you journey to Yosemite on one of our tours!

Our Yosemite Winter Hotel Tour covers your transportation to and from Yosemite, letting you focus on the snow-capped mountains rather than the winding roads. Enjoy a full afternoon of roaming the valley, cross Firefall off your bucket list, and wake up to the morning light gushing over Half Dome.

Yosemite National Park in February is as good as winter gets!

Act fast before all rooms sell out. For more information, feel free to call us at (415) 642-7378

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Make Your Summer An Incredible Adventure https://incadventures.com/make-your-summer-an-incredible-adventure/ https://incadventures.com/make-your-summer-an-incredible-adventure/#respond Tue, 14 Jan 2020 20:39:28 +0000 http://incadventures.com/?p=13731 The following article is the first of a new series of blog articles on what it’s like to be an Incredible Guide from the people who know the job best – our guides! Thinking about getting into the outdoor industry? Intrigued by the guide life, or just looking for a change of pace? It’s a...
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The following article is the first of a new series of blog articles on what it’s like to be an Incredible Guide from the people who know the job best – our guides!

Thinking about getting into the outdoor industry? Intrigued by the guide life, or just looking for a change of pace? It’s a pretty incredible life and here’s why:

Live the best of both worlds 

A great perk to being an Incredible Guide is the balance between life in the city and love for the mountains. Most of us here at Incredible Adventures love the outdoors. When we’re off the clock you can catch us hiking, rock climbing, biking, or pondering the aisles of city gear shops dreaming up our next incredible adventure. Although a city, San Francisco affords easy access to outdoor driven passions. 

However, living in the city also affords the opportunity to indulge in the quirks of the innovative and lively peninsula. Wander world-class farmer’s markets, eat at some of the most reputable restaurants or catch a sports game and experience the spirit of this city’s fan base. On a sunny afternoon you can picnic in Golden Gate or Dolores Park and get a front row seat to those picturesque California sunsets. Live in the lights of San Francisco, and work under the stars in places like Yosemite National Park, Wine Country, and Lake Tahoe.

It’s the best of both worlds!

From hiking boots to high heels, our girl guides head out to enjoy the nightlife of San Francisco


Tag, you’re it!  

Our guide Daniel brings his group- and a cozy sleeping bag- to enjoy sunset in Yosemite High Country.

You might run the same trip a dozen times over the summer, but it will never be the same. With every trip, you have a new group and that will always change your outlook and itinerary. The exciting part is on a lot of the trips you create the schedule!

You may be visiting the same place but when your groups vary in age, size, and interest it always keeps you on your toes and you’ll find new places to explore and new ways to operate. You might come up with a new dinner menu to cook around the campfire, discover a new marketplace in wine country for lunch, or find a hidden swimming spot to cool down on those boiling August afternoons. Monotonous and boring days are not found when you guide with Incredible Adventures. You’ll know how to make every trip great for your group with your own incredible secrets and personal style!

Learn about the world from people around the world 

Your passengers will be from everywhere. In a short time your bucket list of places to visit will grow exponentially. Every traveler is the best spokesperson for their own country so places that never crossed your mind will suddenly appear at the top of your list. It’s the advantage of learning about these locations from a local rather than a websearch.

Similarly, as a guide, you will be the local for northern California’s greatest attractions.
While descending into the grey cliffs of Yosemite Valley, you’ll entice your passengers with the history of how this sublime wonderland came to be. Or share how the grapes of Wine Country are a significant ingredient to the glass of pinot noir they’re currently drinking in a rustic tasting room. With this work comes the benefit of educational exchange; you learn a great deal about the world from your passengers and they will learn the intricacies of California’s greatest destinations from you!

Born in the south shore of Massachusetts, Mikayla‘s love for camping and hiking came later in life. Throughout college Mikayla ventured around New England running, hiking, and biking but headed west after graduation with a desire to be surrounded by mountains bigger than what her hometown could offer. Mikayla first taught outdoor education in the Sierra Nevada mountains before becoming one of Incredible Adventure’s most knowledgable guides. When Mikayla is not exploring this new corner of the west you can find her in the kitchen whipping up a new recipe to take on the trail, reading the newest memoir in her hammock, or en route to a new donut shop as she has a bucket list of 36 across the U.S.

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